Cocreating GPI: Global Consultation
July – November, 2021

During July to November 2021, the Expert Working Group on Global Public Investment conducted a Global Consultation on GPI. The consultation methodology built on the: Cocreation and Consultation for GPI: Best practices and principles paper commissioned by Equal International in early 2021. Learn more from the Global Consultation process and Methodology
Resources to plan a roundtable
Three Launch Events were held for the different time zones on July 2021
Americas, Europe and Africa 20th July 2021
Watch Full Video Here
Asia, Europe and Africa 28th July 2021
Watch Full Video Here
Latin America (Spanish event) 28th July 2021
Watch Full Video Here
Short Clips for Launch Events
Tweets About Global Consultation

The aim of GPI is to get more public, accountable money. Responsible for the international bottlenecks. A compelling modern narrative, having everyone on the table producing that narrative
Simon Reid Henry
Director of the Institute for Humanitarian Social Science, QMUL.

We are now seeing how public finance is more robust than private. Without a strong public basis, we cannot rebuild growth
Bard Vegar
Director General of the Norwegian Agency for Development, NORAD.

The cocreation process GPI has embraced is the only way one can imagine a truly transformative solution
Clara Bosco
Senior Advisor on Civil Society, CIVICUS Global Civil Society.

GPI principles can also help set a very clear signal for private sector investment. This is particularly useful for energy infrastructure which needs public money to help crowd in private money
Jean-Paul Adam
Director for Technology, Climate Change and Natural Resources, UNECA.

GPI is a compelling case for the 21st century because of its three central principles. It’s 5 evolutions are the only way to overcome the current outdated, colonial and dysfunctional system
Clara Bosco
Senior Advisor on Civil Society, CIVICUS Global Civil Society

If aid was an emperor the Covid crisis has finally removed its clothes
Dapo Oyewole
Specialist Adviser on Development Planning and International Affairs to the Speaker of the House of Representatives, Government of the Federal Republic of Nigeria.

Donors say “we’re going to tell you how we can help” but not ask “how can we help you?” The GPI is an approach that will enable countries to help themselves
Dapo Oyewole
Specialist Adviser on Development Planning and International Affairs to the Speaker of the House of Representatives, Government of the Federal Republic of Nigeria.

There is a mutual accountability structure being explored as part of GPI
Mavis Owusu-Gyamfi
Executive Vice President, African Centre for Economic Transformation (ACET).

Governments are not always a proxy for their people. We need to get input from the people themselves. ITPC are participating in the Global Consultation on GPI to facilitate the input of regular folks
Solange Baptiste
Executive Director, ITPC.

The Independent Panel on Pandemic Preparedness & Response was of the view that high levels of global preparedness & response can’t be achieved through domestic financing and development assistance, we advocated a response that is consistent w/ that of GPI concept
Helen Clark
Former New Zealand Prime Minister and Former UNDP Administrator

I see this consultation as an opportunity to enable everyone who has already been working on aligned initiatives to contribute. There are a number of organizations who can add value to this discussion and make it something practical we can take forward
Hannah Ryder
CEO, Development Reimagined.

We are constantly looking at GPGs from a perspective of consumption. GPI looks at GPGs from a perspective of production, on a global level.
Milindo Chakrabarti
Professor, Jindal School of Government and Public Policy.

This is a brilliant idea which I wholeheartedly support. The economics of it are sound. But how do we raise the political demand for it? That’s the next challenge
Jayati Ghosh
Professor of Economics, University of Massachusetts at Amherst.

We will not change the future unless we begin to invest for it. That is what GPI seeks to do
Simon Reid-Henry
Director, Institute for the Humanities and Social Sciences, Queen Mary University of London.

Within the context of the SDGs, GPI allows us to move away from all of the messiness of bilateral engagements, and instead look to address the global issues that affect all of us